Risk Factors that Lead to Substance Abuse


There are certain risk factors which contribute to the likelihood that someone will use drugs and subsequently abuse them. We call these “risk factors” because when they are exhibited by an individual or group of individuals, they are said to be at risk of developing a drug abuse habit or persistent addiction. Some of these

How Methadone is Used to Treat Heroin Addiction


Individuals who are addicted to heroin and other opiate products, including oxycodone, will experience severe and often-dangerous physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when they stop using these drugs. Those symptoms are cited as a primary reason for relapses when heroin addicts are in rehab. Methadone is used to ease the worst of those symptoms and

Putting a Stop to Your Self-Harm


In their hard rock song, Hurt, the Nine Inch Nails sing the lyric “I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that’s real.” This lyric accurately depicts self-harm as a mechanism to cope with numbness and buried pain. If you have adopted this coping mechanism

An Introduction to a Traditional 12-Step Addiction Recovery Program


Traditional 12-step addiction recovery programs have been endorsed by numerous public health organizations, including the U.S. National Institute of Health, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the American Psychiatric Association, and the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs, as a cost effective approach to addiction treatment and recovery. They have been proven effective to

What Does Crack Cocaine Do To Your Body?


Crack cocaine is the same chemical product as powdered cocaine, but with a different delivery system. Powder cocaine is a water-soluble “salt” form of the chemical, while crack cocaine is a fat-soluble form that is absorbed more readily and more quickly into a user’s body when it is smoked. Crack’s effects are felt more quickly

5 Things to Know about Treating Heroin Addiction


With drug overdose ranking first among all other causes of adult accidental death in America, it is increasingly important to be aware of some critical factors regarding drug treatment. The last ten years have seen the largest increases in heroin use among the young adult population on record; more than double the number of previous

What Is Going Through An Addict’s Mind?


Individuals who are fortunate not to suffer from drug addiction or alcoholism will have a difficult time in understanding the mind and thought processes of a drug addict or alcoholic. It will seem apparent to everyone, including a substance abuser, that drugs and alcohol are harming every aspect of the addict’s or alcoholic’s life, including

Alcohol Poisoning: Why Binge Drinking Is Not Harmless


Binge drinking and excessive alcohol consumption can and will cause you grievous harm even if you are not an alcoholic. At high levels, alcohol is a fatal poison that can cause irreparable brain damage if it does not kill you. Because alcohol absorption and processing rates are different for different people, you might suffer alcohol

How Marijuana Use Has Changed Through History


Marijuana has been used for almost five thousand years. Early Chinese medical texts include records of marijuana’s psychoactive and medicinal properties. Trade and cultural cross-breeding took marijuana from China and into North Africa and Europe, where it continued to have medicinal and occasional recreational uses. Spanish settlers brought marijuana to the North American continent in

How Does Your Brain’s Dopamine System Work?

Long before man developed a capacity for logic and reason, his brain developed a dopamine reward system that gave him an intuitive and instinctive capacity to distinguish good from bad. When intuitive man experienced what we now recognize as pleasure, his brain released a dopamine neurotransmitter that attached to certain receptors in his brain to