Alcoholism Pulls Fathers from the Home

Fathers play an important role in a family’s life. Children especially benefit when a father is present to spend time encouraging and demonstrating things in a unique way only fathers can. However, the difficult reality for millions of people is that addiction to alcohol fractures and damages families, often separating fathers from the home emotionally

Warning Signs of Opiate Addiction

Opiate addictions may once have been centered in opium dens of the nineteenth century and among heroin addicts in the 1970’s. Modern opiate addictions are broader and more insidious, as they affect every social strata and demographic group in virtually every part of the United States. If your physician gave you a prescription for an

Are You An Alcoholic?

If your drinking has progressed to a point where you’re asking yourself if you’re an alcoholic, you can easily convince yourself that the answer is “no”. You might have had one or two nights of binge drinking and woke up the next day with little memory of the previous evening, but in your mind those

Three Steps to Relapse

After recovering from a serious drug addiction, the last thing you want to do is consider going through that ordeal again. Once you’re done, you want to be done with that forever, right? Unfortunately, the nature of addiction is complex and frustrating and you will have to fight off temptations and relapse triggers for some

How to Choose a Treatment Plan that’s Right for You

Each of us are different and, when it comes to treating addiction, everyone has a unique set of needs and circumstances that must be taken into account when deciding on a treatment plan.  Addiction is a dependency the brain has formed on a particular substance or behavior. For things like opiate addiction, which is a

Keep Calm and Kick the Habit

The popular Internet and T-Shirt meme has a catchy and shareable nature to it; Keep Calm and…  The phrase is usually followed up with some activity but the central idea of this viral idea is that only when you take a breath and calm your agitated nerves can you truly enjoy what you’re doing, whatever

The Lifetime Value of Discipline

Recovering from an addiction is a process of mental strength, willpower, and treatment. But above all things, the core of recovery is an artform that has gone out of fashion in the modern consumer culture; Discipline.   Many people look at discipline as restrictive rules and dogmatic practices that limit your options as an individual.

You’re Responsible for Your Own Happiness

We hear in recovery counseling a lot about people who turn to substance use in a search for joy or pleasure in an otherwise miserable or unhappy life. As understandable and universal as the desire for happiness is to all of us, it’s well understood that the fleeting rush afforded by drugs and alcohol are

Marijuana Clocking Record Potency Worldwide

Marijuana seems to be having its time in the spotlight lately with the rolling legal reforms that continue to sweep Europe and the United States as well as the cultural obsession with glorifying it as the drug of choice for rappers, silicon valley moguls, and movie producers. But one of the more important changes regarding

Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Brain Development Issues

There is still a great deal of controversy over the long term health effects of marijuana on the brain. Growing numbers of research studies are still not sufficient enough to make a definitive conclusion on what the exact extent of the damage can be. While scientists are not yet certain how marijuana affects the brain