5 Countries with Severe Drug Problems

The epidemic of drug addiction is not confined to our boarders here at home in the U.S. Drug abuse is widespread throughout the entire globe and in some parts of the world, addiction is far more severe a problem than it is in the United States. This certainly does not excuse our abuse of controlled

Anxiety and Addiction

Addiction is well understood by clinical psychologists to be a brain condition resulting from impaired cerebral function. Anxiety is understood to be, at least in part, a combination of genetic factors, environmental stress, and personal idiosyncrasies. Or in other words, it is a cocktail combo of the influence from parental genes, cues in your surrounding

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is intended to prevent relapse to drug addiction while in recovery. The therapeutic technique has been in use for many years and focuses on exploring, learning, analyzing, and understanding the psychology and behavioral patterns of oneself. Its aim is to help a recovering addict find new perspective on his own

3 Reasons Your Friend Isn’t Ready to Quit

There are numerous examples of people who were unwilling to get help for their addiction and, for one reason or another, forced into sobriety.  These stories are surprisingly positive, as the majority of these cases have experienced long term success in recovery. The fact is, the very nature of addiction is that you do not

How to Help a Loved One Who Refuses Treatment

The central factor to bear in mind when a loved one refuses treatment is that they are still in denial. The very first thing that you must do to fight the addiction is to help the addict come to a realization or recognition of the problem. You can help them along this process by asking

How Young People View Marijuana

The debate over Marijuana use among teens revolves around the question of whether or not it truly is the gateway drug and whether it adversely affects their development. The primary concern is it cultivates a pattern of addiction with high probabilities of worsening in adulthood. Additionally, there is growing concern over the negative effects of

How Does Ecstasy Affect the Body?

Ecstasy has several primary effects on the major systems of the body. The full extent of the impact of this drug affects the entire body, however. Of the primary effects, the most common is stimulation of the nervous system. Ecstasy increases the amounts of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels in the brain to generate a

Family Drug Intervention in 5 steps

Enough emphasis cannot be placed on the importance of planning when it comes to family drug interventions. One wrong word and the addict can be immediately put on the defensive, refusing to listen to anyone and shutting down in response to the message of the intervention. It is imperative that each person’s words in an

The Hunger Doesn’t Care

Hunger. Thirst. Desire. Need. Craving. Jonesing. The ultimate feature of addiction is that uncontrollable and unending need for more.  It’s the whole driving force of unrestrained destructive behavior in the quest to pursue your drug. As addicts and alcoholics we can sometimes underestimate this fearsome enemy that haunts our dreams and destroys our lives. Like

Addiction Changes the Reward Centers of the Brain

Drug addiction is one of the most mysterious and confusing dilemmas in the human experience. It’s been that way for a long time, we’re just now getting it under the clinical observation of medical professionals in an attempt to truly answer the question; Why do we get addicted? To understand how addiction works and why