Addictive personality is a phrase often used to refer to a person’s tendency towards addiction. People who struggle with addiction appear to have certain personality traits in common. That cluster of personality traits seems to make a person more susceptible to addiction. However, simply having a predisposition towards developing addictions will not cause an addiction
Category: Alcoholism & Addiction
Denial Facts
Denial acts as an obstacle to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. It does not allow a person to see the addiction problem for what it really is. Denial is self-deception. It is a protective mechanism that a person uses unconsciously every day in reaction to events, emotions or thoughts that he is not ready
Liver Damage from Alcohol
Liver damage from alcohol takes many forms. The damage is a direct result of drinking too much alcohol as in the case of alcoholism. When alcohol is processed in the body, it passes through the liver to be detoxified. When the liver is exposed to too much alcohol for too long a period of time
Effects of Addiction on Family
The effects of addiction on family of someone with a drug or alcohol problem can be damaging and long-term. Family often seeks to protect the person with the addiction. The family usually wants to hide the problem so people outside the family do not find out about it. Protecting and hiding the problem only serves
Switching Addictions
Switching addictions is a phenomenon that occurs in some people who have been successful in getting a past addiction under control. An example of switching addictions is when a person stops a drug or alcohol problem but then begins to form an addiction to some other substance or activity. Often the new addiction is not
Effects of Drugs on the Body
The harmful effects of drugs on the body are either temporary or permanent, but they do occur and they occur throughout major organ systems in a person’s body. Below are some drugs and the effects of drugs on the body. Cocaine Cocaine can impair the brain’s ability to communicate with the heart and lungs. Seizures
Cocaine Nose Bleed
Cocaine nose bleed is caused by repetitive nasal insufflation or “snorting” of cocaine. Cocaine, a very addictive stimulant drug, can be ingested in a variety of ways. Snorting is the most common form of ingestion. Snorting is also referred to as “bumping”, “railing” and “dozing”. Why is cocaine snorted? Snorting cocaine requires little prep time
GHB Addiction Facts

GHB addiction occurs when a person uses GHB excessively for non-medical or recreational purposes. Until recently, GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid) was commonly used for medicinal purposes in cases of narcolepsy, cataplexy, insomnia, major depression, alcoholism and as a general anesthetic. Today it is generally only prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy and alcoholism (rarely). The
Hydrocodone Addiction Facts

Hydrocodone addiction is wide-spread. Hydrocodone is a man-made drug (created in 1920) that is created from a naturally occurring substance; it is therefore a “semi-synthetic” drug. It is prescribed as a pain killer and as a cough remedy. In the U.S., commercial-grade hydrocodone is always combined with another drug; it is not available in pure form.
Marijuana Facts

Marijuana is a product of the Cannabis plant. Cannabis or “marijuana” is a natural herb that is usually ingested as a recreational drug but sometimes as a prescribed drug to treat specific medical conditions. Marijuana is also known by hundreds of other slang names; common names include “pot”, “weed” and “skunk”. It is usually ingested