Addiction in Crisis: How to Help a Homeless Family Member


Addiction can cause problems in all aspects of the addict’s life—at work, school, home, and especially with family members. An addiction can drain addicts’ relatives of money, energy, and time. At some point, the addict could lose their home due to consequences of drug or alcohol abuse, and end up homeless. So how can you

How long does marijuana stay in your body?


THC is the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects, and works by stimulating the brain to release dopamine, which creates euphoria. We know its effects wear off after 3-4 hours, but how long does THC stay in our systems? We’ll look into potential marijuana addiction and how it affects the body ahead.  

Ambien and the Strange Drowsy High


Also known by its generic name, zolpidem, Ambien is a popular sedative used to treat insomnia in adults. It acts on the brain to promote calming effects, but can it also cause a high? Absolutely. Ambien has been known to create a euphoric high and sometimes even hallucinations.   When adults have a hard time

4 Legal Consequences of Drug Abuse


Drug-related offenses can have a negative effect on an addict’s future in a number of ways. In addition to drug addiction causing serious health problems, it can cause many legal ramifications as well.   First of all, remember that criminal records follow you and can cause various barriers to those wishing to live a normal

Help for alcohol addiction is a phone call away


Dealing with an alcohol addiction is difficult, and is perpetuated by negative emotions and experiences. However, the disease is treatable, and the first step to recovery is simple, albeit often hard to face.   The first step in 12-step programs, like Alcoholics Anonymous, is admitting there is a problem.  Honestly admitting that you’ve become powerless

When there’s no other choice but to leave your addicted lover


Being in a relationship with an addict can cause a lot of pain. Watching someone you love struggle with addiction—without being able to help—is an awful thing to witness. Sometimes, the only option in sight is to leave them, despite feelings of not being able to move on. There are things you must know in

Does snorting Ecstasy do you any good?


Is ecstasy safe—or can it lead to an overdose? What about an accidental death due to overdose? Mixing ecstasy and alcohol is popular, and often used recreationally. We’ll look into what is is, how it affects the body and brain, and dangers associated with the drug.   Ecstasy, or MDMA is an illegal drug that

Can you develop a Tolerance to Marijuana?


The term “tolerance” in reference to drug use describes an adaptation by the brain to the continued presence of a drug in which higher doses of the drug are required to obtain the effect of the initial dose. It is said marijuana users can develop a tolerance after using over a length of time, and

Heroin and the Ease of Addiction


Developing an addiction to heroin is incredibly easy, as it strongly affects the body’s central nervous system. Because of its intensely euphoric effects, continued use can quickly lead to an addiction. According to the CDC, non-hispanic white males aged 18- to 25 years old and people living in large metropolitan areas are at the most

Enduring a Harrowing Alcohol Detox


If you have decided to begin detox from alcohol, you need to seek medical supervision. Serious conditions can appear during the first 72 hours of detox that can be life threatening if you do not receive the correct medical treatment. Many people do not realize how dangerous alcohol addiction and detox can be. Taking care