Why Do I Keep Relapsing?


The keys to avoiding chronic relapsing are a strong support system, planning, and knowledge of the signs of relapse. Remaining drug free can be a struggle, but you don’t have to work through everything on your own. You can rely on friends and family for support, as well as a medical professional or facility. However,

When to Check in with Your Sponsor


Anyone who has completed rehab should feel gratitude and honor the achievement of getting to this point. Being clean and sober is the first step towards a long lasting and healthy recovery. A sponsor is a person who has been through the experience and can offer support through the process.   Sponsors Self-denial can be

The Dangers of Overdosing on Crystal Meth


You can overdose on crystal meth in either of two ways. First, you can experience an acute overdose in which you ingest such a large quantity or concentration of methamphetamine that your metabolism is overwhelmed by the drug; and second, you can experience a chronic meth overdose after a long period of regular methamphetamine ingestion

Things to Share With Other Addicts in Your Recovery Meetings


Sharing your alcoholism and addiction stories and participating in the sharing sessions at recovery meetings are important components of addiction recovery. Individuals will be naturally concerned over the amount of information that they should share and the confidentiality of the information, and they may be reluctant to participate fully in sharing sessions. Initially, the confidentiality

Overcoming Boredom When You Are New to Sobriety


Alcoholics and drug addicts typically go through a common array of emotions in an addiction recovery program. Following the initial period of physical withdrawal, they will experience periods of exhaustion, then elation as they enjoy their first days away from the substances that they have abused. They inevitably hit a period of boredom and fatigue

Signs That Your Son is Using Cocaine


Maybe you have noticed something unusual in your son’s behavior or you have found unusual items in his room or among his possessions. Your observations have led you to  become concerned that he is using cocaine, but when you confront him directly he denies any and all drug use. Your parental instincts tell you that

Being a Man Means Admitting When You Screwed Up


History is replete with examples of men who have proven the aphorism that “the cover-up is worse than the crime.” It may be out of vogue in popular culture to discuss how a person can achieve or improve a level of  “manliness”, but admitting and taking ownership of mistakes is a hallmark of maturity and

Equine Therapy Helps Get Your Feet on the Ground


Animals have been incorporated into therapies for a variety of conditions. Therapy dogs, for example, are common in senior citizen centers, nursing homes, and hospitals, where they are used to brighten the days of patients confined to their beds or hospital rooms for extended treatments. The use of horses in equine therapy is currently a

Why You Must Stop Enabling the Addict in Your Life


It goes without saying that addiction comes with consequences. However, the results of substance abuse are often subtle at first, before developing into the more well-known addiction symptoms and side effects. Drugs cost money, reduce productivity, and create disarray in one’s life. General disorderliness and chaos tend to follow in the wake of drug abuse.

Alcoholism Withdrawal Symptoms


    Alcohol normally depresses a person’s central nervous system. When a person consumes large amounts of alcohol for a longer period of time, his brain and central nervous system adjust and rewire themselves to speed up and to accommodate that excessive alcohol consumption. When that consumption suddenly ends, the alcoholic’s central nervous system reacts