Reducing stress in recovery is one of the most important aspects of sobriety. Having too much stress and/or not discharging stress properly will negatively affect a person’s well-being. Sobriety will not last long if a person’s well-being is compromised. Using drugs or alcohol to deal with stress is no longer an option. Reducing stress in
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Self Care in Recovery
Self care in recovery from drugs or alcohol must be a consistent daily practice for a person who has decided to stop using drugs or alcohol. When a person is actively using, all aspects of the person’s life are neglected. Self care in recovery is about putting all the pieces of one’s well-being back in
Addictive Personality
Addictive personality is a phrase often used to refer to a person’s tendency towards addiction. People who struggle with addiction appear to have certain personality traits in common. That cluster of personality traits seems to make a person more susceptible to addiction. However, simply having a predisposition towards developing addictions will not cause an addiction
Co-Occurring Disorder
The diagnosis of co-occurring disorder means that a person has an addiction to drugs or alcohol and also has some other mental health condition. Other mental health conditions can include things like clinical depression, bipolar disorder and mood disorders, among many others. Having a mental health condition significantly increases a person’s risk of having problems
Healthy Relationships in Recovery
Forming healthy relationships in recovery is an important component of sobriety. All areas of a person’s life are influenced by his relationships with other people. Replacing unhealthy relationships with healthy ones is a necessary task for a person wishing to recover from drug or alcohol addiction. When a person has strong, healthy relationships in recovery,
Denial Facts
Denial acts as an obstacle to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. It does not allow a person to see the addiction problem for what it really is. Denial is self-deception. It is a protective mechanism that a person uses unconsciously every day in reaction to events, emotions or thoughts that he is not ready
Liver Damage from Alcohol
Liver damage from alcohol takes many forms. The damage is a direct result of drinking too much alcohol as in the case of alcoholism. When alcohol is processed in the body, it passes through the liver to be detoxified. When the liver is exposed to too much alcohol for too long a period of time
Effects of Addiction on Family
The effects of addiction on family of someone with a drug or alcohol problem can be damaging and long-term. Family often seeks to protect the person with the addiction. The family usually wants to hide the problem so people outside the family do not find out about it. Protecting and hiding the problem only serves
Binge Eating Disorder Facts
Binge eating disorder is not the same as “compulsive overeating”. A person with binge eating disorder will eat exceptionally large amounts of food uncontrollably in a very short period of time. In a person with binge eating disorder, the binge eating and normal eating occur in cycles where the person will eat normally for a
Bulimia Eating Disorder Facts
Bulimia is a type of eating disorder where a person eats a large amount of food very quickly then removes or “purges” the food from the body by vomiting, using a laxative, diuretic or enema. Purging is a way of getting the food out of the body as quickly as possible. Compulsive exercising, taking stimulating