As a new administration continues settling in at the nation’s capital, the topics of addiction treatment, mental health coverage, health insurance, and the opioid epidemic are becoming one. The groundbreaking Affordable Care Act provided insurance to millions of people who had never been able to afford it before. Additionally, within even that state supported medical
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9 Ways Addiction Changes The Family
Trust: lying is commonly a part of addiction. A loved one who knows they are unable to stop yet aren’t yet able to admit that fact will resort to lying out of a need to protect their addiction as well as protect you, their family. They know they’ve let you down time and time again.
Does Addiction To MDMA Happen?
MDMA made its appearance in the 1980’s and quickly raised eyebrows both as a concern and a fascinating alternative for depression treatment. In recent years, MDMA first fell off the radar then made headlines again. As the electronic music movement grew and exploded into summer long music festivals, reports of death and overdose on MDMA
Inpatient Or Outpatient Treatment?
Choosing the right treatment type can be a make or break for recovery. Unfortunately, most people have to work within their insurance companies’ allowance. Below is a brief description of treatment types, their similarities, and their differences. Inpatient Treatment Types Any level of treatment which includes residential housing is technically inpatient treatment. The stereotypical 28-30
The No-Brainer Way To Get Better At Self Control: Control Yourself More
If addicts and alcoholics could control their obsessive impulses to drink and use drugs, they probably wouldn’t have an issue. Scientists are constantly researching the inner workings of the brain to find the specific ways in which impulse control is lost and gained when it comes to drugs and alcohol. According to Medical Daily, researchers
Why Sober Dating Isn’t Going To Be As Bad As You Think
Learning how to date again can be an awkward, but entertaining experience. After spending so much time working on healing yourself, you’re ready to spend some of that time with someone else, in a sober and happy way. Turns Out, You Don’t Need A ‘Social Lubricant’ Remember that time you thought you needed a drink
4 Qualities Of A Leader In Recovery
Seeking Opportunities Not Restrictions In the 2015 remake of Point Break the wildy and reckless adventure character Bodhi exclaims to his comrades, “Isn’t it beautiful?” when he sees “the line” designating the route he will take to overcome yet another impossible extreme sport feat. Leaders look for what is possible as much as they look
Are You Putting Off Recovery? You Might Be Depressed
Nobody has to go to treatment. Most everybody who is being prompted to do so by their own intuition or the urging of others, probably should. There are dozens of legitimate reasons why people can’t go to treatment including life responsibilities which cannot be turned over to anyone else under certain circumstances. Additionally, there are
ADHD And Co-Occurring Disorders, By The Numbers
It goes one of two ways: either the ADHD has been identified or the co-occurring disorders have been identified. For example, treating doctors are aware that there is a struggling with depression but fail to see the symptoms of ADHD. Conversely, they might notice the symptoms of ADHD but fail to identify the symptoms of
The Power Of The Imagination
The kooky and eccentric fictional chocolatier Willy Wonka famously sang in the original film adaptation of the Roald Dahl children’s novel Charlie And The Chocolate Factory: there is no life i know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you’ll be free, if you truly wish to be.” The story highlights the journey of a