Tips For Mental Health Management During Travel And Adventure

Getting to go out and live your life is the not so hidden secret of recovery. During the initial detox phase of treatment, it can be hard to conceptualize a future without drugs and alcohol that will actually feel good. Through treatment programs like the one at LEAD Recovery Center, adventure therapy, nature therapy, and

The Best Approach For Managing Your Anxiety

Anxiety can both inspire and be inspired by substance abuse. After so many years of relying upon drugs and alcohol to cope with fears and anxious feelings, people are left unprepared to cope with the anxiety which has always been present. A commonly co-occurring disorder with substance abuse. Try To Understand Your Anxiety If you

Depression Got You Down? Here’s The Upside To What You’re Going Through

Depression can cause you to feel a lot of things in a very heavy way. Unfortunately, some of those things aren’t the most pleasant. For example, you might feel unmotivated, hopeless, helpless, and melancholy. Without the inspiration, interest and passion you need to encourage you, you often just give up. Handing in the towel is

What Can I Do To Change My Mood Without Changing My Sobriety Date?

Sometimes we just run out of options. We’ve used every tool we have. We’ve called every person we can. We’ve gone to meetings. We’ve meditated. We’ve exercised. We’ve taken a nap. No matter what we try we cannot shake the unshakeable mood we are in, a mood which is inspiring an obsessive and insatiable preoccupation

Relax? Just Do It! 8 Ways To Relax, Right Now

Breathing Exercises The breath is the source of life. When you are struggling to find a moment to connect, your breath is the way to go. By bringing your attention back to your breath, you immediately connect to yourself. Usually when you get stressed out you become disconnected. The breath is grounding and helps bring

Meditating On Meditating? Here’s 7 Reasons Why You Should Just Meditate

Meditating is a turnoff to a lot of people. Who needs it? You do! Everyone can benefit from a  daily meditation practice. Here’s why: Stress Reduction: Stress can come from just about anywhere. The heart, the mind, and the body suffer when stress is not properly regulated and managed. Meditation is proven to reduce stress,

9 Ways Addiction Changes The Family

Trust: lying is commonly a part of addiction. A loved one who knows they are unable to stop yet aren’t yet able to admit that fact will resort to lying out of a need to protect their addiction as well as protect you, their family. They know they’ve let you down time and time again.

The No-Brainer Way To Get Better At Self Control: Control Yourself More

If addicts and alcoholics could control their obsessive impulses to drink and use drugs, they probably wouldn’t have an issue. Scientists are constantly researching the inner workings of the brain to find the specific ways in which impulse control is lost and gained when it comes to drugs and alcohol. According to Medical Daily, researchers

Why Sober Dating Isn’t Going To Be As Bad As You Think

Learning how to date again can be an awkward, but entertaining experience. After spending so much time working on healing yourself, you’re ready to spend some of that time with someone else, in a sober and happy way. Turns Out, You Don’t Need A ‘Social Lubricant’ Remember that time you thought you needed a drink

4 Qualities Of A Leader In Recovery

Seeking Opportunities Not Restrictions In the 2015 remake of Point Break the wildy and reckless adventure character Bodhi exclaims to his comrades, “Isn’t it beautiful?” when he sees “the line” designating the route he will take to overcome yet another impossible extreme sport feat. Leaders look for what is possible as much as they look