Doctor’s can be less than tactful. They aren’t there to judge you or give you their personal opinion on how you look or how you should feel about how you look. A doctor’s purpose is to do no harm and to treat you to the best of their ability. Instead, many often are uninformed when it comes to eating disorders and eating disorder recovery, so they make insensitive remarks. There is no need to feel ashamed of your weight or your appearance when you are in recovery from an eating disorder. Don’t let a doctor’s uninformed comments trigger you or make you feel like you aren’t accomplishing anything in your recovery because you are, every single day. You are working hard to become a leader and show other people that hey can recover and learn to love themselves in healthy and balanced ways.
Repeat as many times as necessary you don’t want to know your weight
Tell the front desk clerk to put it on your file: eating disorder recovery, don’t discuss weight. Tell the nurse who takes you to the back, “When you weigh me, please don’t tell me my weight, I’m in eating disorder recovery”. Do you have to disclose your recovery? No. Unfortunately, we live in a weight and body image obsessed world where people think it is perfectly normal to discuss another person’s weight like it’s common news. You have nothing to be ashamed about your recovery. Boldly state that it is part of your recovery not to know your weight and you’d appreciate if the nursing staff and doctor would respect that.
Face down insensitive commentary with honest truth
Be a champion for eating disorder recovery and educate others, including your doctors and nurses. If they should make comments about your weight and appearance, make sure they understand how harmful their comments can be to other people who aren’t as confident in their recovery. Armed with facts, statistics, and personal experience, you might not be able to change their mind, but you might be able to provide them with some powerful perspective.
Speak honestly about your experience
Eating disorders affect you medically. It is important to speak honestly about your experience with eating disorders so that the doctor thoroughly understands what your body has been through.
Don’t be afraid to be smarter than your doctor
Again, doctors are still uninformed when it comes to eating disorders and eating disorder recovery. Let your doctor know about what you’ve learned in treatment and your research about your condition. When you know they’re wrong for telling you that you’re wrong, let them know assertively.
You are empowered in your recovery, not disenfranchised. LEAD Recovery Center focuses on empowering men and women in recovery from eating disorders to be autonomous in their recovery and fully thrive in life. Our multiphase transitional programs are designed to help clients to grow into their independence. Call us today for information: 800-380-0012