Neurofeedback For Mental Health Recovery

The use of neurofeedback is becoming a standard in treatment for mental health disorders. Learn more about how it works and why it is an important tool for recovery here.

How Neurofeedback Works

Electrodes are placed on the head in five distinct areas to collect electric pulses from brain waves. The client sits comfortably while the computer, hooked up to the electrodes, begin to read. Neurofeedback runs on different computer programs which are designed to read the brain signals and send back different signals to change the brain wave current. After analyzing which brain waves need changing, the computer continues to send effective pulsating signals back to the brain. Often, in addiction treatment or mental health treatment, the process is accompanied with visualizations and working through trauma. Patients might be guided in bringing up triggers or traumatic memories which would stimulate a spike in brain waves. After processing the memories and allowing the computer to also change the brain waves, clients can actually see how their brain has changed. Not only do the pulsating signals change the brainwaves, but the client learns that working through their difficult emotions and memories truly creates a productive effect. From this, they are inspired to continue doing the work in therapy. According to the data of one neurofeedback practitioner, 85 percent of clients notice a difference in as little as three sessions.

Why Changing The Brain Matters

Mental health disorders and substance use disorders, in addition to process disorders, all live in the brain. From the brain, physical symptoms are created due to signals created in response to stimuli. Treating mental health like “brain diseases” means that the brain itself is being identified as both the source of the problem and the source of healing. A broken bone is treated because it is broken, but also because it will heal. The brain is a regenerative part of the body. Neurofeedback and almost every other treatment method used for treating addiction helps rewire the brain and return it to an even better state than the one it was in before mental illness took hold.


LEAD Recovery Center employs the use of Neurofeedback along with other treatment methods to provide effective clinical care. In addition to immersive adventure and nature learning opportunities as well as a unique leadership and mentorship program, the transitional care programs at LEAD work to help clients build the confidence they need to thrive in recovery. For more information, call us today at 1-800-380-0012.