How Do I Quit Using Cocaine?


Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that specifically targets the central nervous system and rewires the brain to become dependent. By using crack cocaine frequently, you drastically increase your risk for both physical and psychological dependence. When you begin to consider quitting cocaine, you should consult your doctor. Addiction is dangerous, and withdrawal symptoms from

The Health Effects of Casual Drinking


The human body can only process a small amount of alcohol at one time. When you drink a large amount of alcohol on a daily basis, it causes your body to work harder than is healthy. Casual drinking is when a person drinks only 1 or 2 drinks a day, then binge drinks every once

How to Tell Your Family You Have a Drug Problem


Once you realize you have an addiction, it can be difficult to know what to do next. You probably feel scared and overwhelmed, and telling your family only makes those feelings grow. What you probably don’t realize that your family knows something is going on. As an addict, you try to hide your deteriorating state

The Hangover: Why you Get it the Morning After Drinking


Scientific experts don’t know exactly why people get hangovers, but they are in the early stages of research to determine prevention techniques and treatment options. We do know the effects of a hangover vary from person to person in intensity and length, and we’ll explore common symptoms and possible causes.     People experiencing hangovers

Treatment Options for a Crack Cocaine Addiction


Crack only stays in your system for a few minutes. However, it can be detected anywhere from days to weeks after your last use. Because crack is an extremely addictive substance, use of it often results in addiction or chronic use. Signs of addiction can be weight loss, financial troubles, bloodshot eyes, no personal maintenance,

It’s Not Too Late to Get Help for Your Opiate Addiction


The abuse of and addiction to opioids such as heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers is a serious global problem that affects the health, social, and economic welfare of all societies. It is estimated that between 26.4 million and 36 million people abuse opioids worldwide, with an estimated 2.1 million people in the United States

Cannabis Consumption: Eating vs Smoking


Cannabis varies depending on the way it is ingested. If eaten, weed takes longer before it begins to affect the body, but it is not as intense or last as long. In addition, it is highly detectable in urine. Inhalation of weed makes for a faster, intense high that does not last as long. However,

10 Reasons to Quit Smoking Cigarettes


Smoking is a dangerous habit and can cause many diseases and issues. Cigarettes can increase the risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. In fact, smoking is the number one cause of preventable deaths worldwide. Many people would like to quit, but the average person takes 5 – 10 tries to quit

Taking Responsibility for Addiction


Being a parent of a teenager struggling with addiction is an extremely difficult situation to be in. While many teens simply experiment with alcohol and drugs, some of them end up with problems and addiction. We’ll explore the relationship between a teen addict and their parent(s), and discuss ways to help what might seem like

Does Your Buddy Need an Intervention?


Some researchers estimate 1 in 10 people have substance abuse problems. Chances are, someone you knows is struggling with addiction. The problem is knowing who. The biggest difficulty in treating addiction is denial that the addiction even exists. Suggesting that someone is an addict can be offensive. This is partly because addiction is thought of