How to Help a Loved One Who Refuses Treatment

The central factor to bear in mind when a loved one refuses treatment is that they are still in denial. The very first thing that you must do to fight the addiction is to help the addict come to a realization or recognition of the problem. You can help them along this process by asking

Our Culture of Alcohol Glorification

When a drug addict comes out of recovery, having undergone treatment for narcotics or opiates, the struggle to stay clean is real.  However, at least for these addictions the culture around you supports your abstinence because these drugs are usually illegal to buy or possess and use is often frowned upon by the majority of

Adolescence is a Key Time to Prevent Addiction

Few would deny the struggles and anxiety posed by adolescence and the prospect of transitioning from childhood into adulthood. It’s a time fraught with all sorts of confusing feelings, growth spurts, voice changes, and romantic interests.  On top of all that you’re figuring out who you are as a person and what kind of man