Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive drug processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of the opium poppy plant. It is known to create an intense sense of euphoria and well-being. It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder that is “cut” with sugars,
Tag: Substance Abuse
Developing a Tolerance to Cocaine
One of the most addictive and powerful drugs of abuse, a considerable amount of tolerance can build even after a single use. It can also be addictive during the first time using, due to the intense, euphoric high caused by the drug. There are symptoms to look out for when determining whether one has built
How Family Therapy can get everyone through Addiction
When addicts are in need of professional help, families are often the ones to push them to seek it, whether it’s convincing them to attend rehab by holding an intervention or offering to pay for it if they agree to attend. What many people may not realize is how the family could benefit from addiction
5 Things You Should Know About Benzo Withdrawal
The Brain Two systems in the brain work opposite one another: glutamate and GABA (gamma amino butyric acid). Glutamate is like a gas pedal which gets things started. GABA slows things down. Benzodiazepines damage GABA receptors so glutamate is free to push the brain into hyperspeed which over-excites the entire body. When GABA receptors are
Examining the Steps: Step 1
The first step in the 12-step process is admitting powerlessness over addiction. To admit powerlessness for some is to admit defeat, when society seems to promote individuality, managing life without anyone else’s help and finding ways to keep pushing through struggles. To admit the need for help is a first step towards receiving the necessary
Withdrawal Symptoms of Xanax Addiction
Xanax (alprazolam) withdrawal symptoms can show up in a short period of time after the medication has worn off. Feelings of being ill and achy may occur, but may also include cold or stomach flu-like symptoms. Withdrawal happens when the body develops a dependency to Xanax, or any other drug, and can take anywhere from
What Constitutes a Relapse
The cycle of addiction has many ups and downs. An alcohol or drug relapse occurs after a person experiences recovery then returns to using their substance of choice. Addiction is a chronic disease, prone to periods of relapse. Triggers and other risk factors may increase the risk of using alcohol or drugs. A relapse is
Why Do I Keep Relapsing?
The keys to avoiding chronic relapsing are a strong support system, planning, and knowledge of the signs of relapse. Remaining drug free can be a struggle, but you don’t have to work through everything on your own. You can rely on friends and family for support, as well as a medical professional or facility. However,
The Dangers of Overdosing on Crystal Meth
You can overdose on crystal meth in either of two ways. First, you can experience an acute overdose in which you ingest such a large quantity or concentration of methamphetamine that your metabolism is overwhelmed by the drug; and second, you can experience a chronic meth overdose after a long period of regular methamphetamine ingestion
Overcoming Boredom When You Are New to Sobriety
Alcoholics and drug addicts typically go through a common array of emotions in an addiction recovery program. Following the initial period of physical withdrawal, they will experience periods of exhaustion, then elation as they enjoy their first days away from the substances that they have abused. They inevitably hit a period of boredom and fatigue