Why You Must Stop Enabling the Addict in Your Life


It goes without saying that addiction comes with consequences. However, the results of substance abuse are often subtle at first, before developing into the more well-known addiction symptoms and side effects. Drugs cost money, reduce productivity, and create disarray in one’s life. General disorderliness and chaos tend to follow in the wake of drug abuse.

Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Brain Development Issues

There is still a great deal of controversy over the long term health effects of marijuana on the brain. Growing numbers of research studies are still not sufficient enough to make a definitive conclusion on what the exact extent of the damage can be. While scientists are not yet certain how marijuana affects the brain

How Young People View Marijuana

The debate over Marijuana use among teens revolves around the question of whether or not it truly is the gateway drug and whether it adversely affects their development. The primary concern is it cultivates a pattern of addiction with high probabilities of worsening in adulthood. Additionally, there is growing concern over the negative effects of

Adolescence is a Key Time to Prevent Addiction

Few would deny the struggles and anxiety posed by adolescence and the prospect of transitioning from childhood into adulthood. It’s a time fraught with all sorts of confusing feelings, growth spurts, voice changes, and romantic interests.  On top of all that you’re figuring out who you are as a person and what kind of man